Why is it so hard to be yourself? A journey from self hate to pure authenticity

Mimi Morrall

Why do we all, find it so very hard to just be ourselves? Authenticity is the only thing we really know, on a personal level, we are the only ones who know as as truely as another does, but why cant we just be that person? 

In a world where we now have the ability to control a certain image of the world of how we want to be seen, why do we always do it for the other? Why can we not show up authentically as ourselves? 

This has been the undertone of my life, I ran so very far away from my truth just in the hopes that no one would notice me being different. I just wanted to be pretty, to be hot, to be accepted, I just didnt want to be me. 

I couldn't be more proud of how far I have come, how much I truely love myself and how good it feels to step into this new phase of my life, shedding my old insecure skin and stepping into my most confident self.

I hope this episode inspires you to love yourself from the iinside out and know that you are divinely created to look exactly as you are, right at this moment, because you are you, and thats enough. 

Self love can feel like many different things, it is a journey, a never ending road but I know we all feel this on a certain level and wish we can create a world where pure authenticity and truth is celebrated, on a physical and emotional level, all across the world. 

love you guys so much hope you enjoy the epppisode <3 

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